Easy Photo Sorter is capable of renaming and organizing your entire photo collection in a simple and efficient way. Its wizard-like interface will guide you through its simple and straightforward sorting process in just three steps. The program’s high level of flexibility and customization is surely its main asset.
The first step will ask you to select the folders whose images you wish to rename and/or organize. The program’s batch capabilities will allow you to add to the sorting list as many folders as required, and to select those you wish to process first. The second step will take you a bit longer to go through – here is where you select the sorting and renaming options.
Easy Photo Sorter uses the EXIF information contained in your photographs to organize your collection by date, and will create as many folders as dates found in your photo collection. The appearance of the date that gives name to each folder is for you to decide. Images can also be renamed or not during the sorting process. You can select a custom text string to rename all your photographs or let the program look for EXIF metadata and use it to identify your image files (date, time, camera used, etc.), or you can combine both. Either way, once you have created your own renaming and sorting templates, the program will take you to the third and last step. Here you can choose to copy or to move the sorted/renamed files, and watch the program do all the hard work for you. more
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If anyone from informer.com sees this, I have email and screen shot proof to support my statements, you should remove this title from your library as soon as possible!